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We are always on the lookout for talented and dedicated individuals to join our team. If you're interested in working with us, please follow the link below to explore current job openings on our Teamtailor page.
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Job opportunities ⤵
Prosjektleder/Leveranseansvarlig NordicEPOD Orhusveien 77, 3070 Sande i Vestfold
Vi søker Test og Site Teknikere til NordicEPOD AS Orhusveien 77, 3070 Sande i Vestfold
NordicEPOD søker Elektro- / Automasjons Ingeniør Engineering · Sande i Vestfold
Vi søker HMS Rådgiver til ny oppstartet industribedrift Sande i Vestfold
Vi søker Business Controller til spennende bedrift! Finance · Orhusveien 77, 3070 Sande i Vestfold
Håndverkere Produksjon · Sande i Vestfold
Why join us?
Life insurance, your well-being is our priority.
Flexibility, decide on your working days and hours
Leadership, work and learn from a group of experts
Develop with our training programs and private lessons
Bonus, generous commission and very competitive salary
Life insurance, your well-being is our priority.
We are always looking for new colleagues! Stay up to date on future jobs, or tell us why you would like to work with us by clicking here to connect! Here you can also subscribe to positions.
So funny that you ask! Each job advertisement states when you can expect a response. But, never more than a week! It depends a bit on the type of job, and we process applications continuously. Sometimes it takes time to find the right match. Contact us in the chat if you think it has been a long time!
It varies depending on the role. Normally, we form the recruitment process as follows: application, telephone interview, first-time interview, second-time interview, and tests.
GDPR is the abbreviation for General Data Protection Regulation, also referred to as the Privacy Regulation. This is a regulation, or a new privacy law if you will, which was adopted in the EU and entered into force on 25 May 2018.
The whole point of this new law is to protect personal data and the processing of these in the EU. That is, to check that personal information about me and you are collected and taken care of in a secure way, and at the same time give users more rights when it comes to our own information.
As a member of both the EEA and Schengen, the law also applies to Norway. This means that all Norwegian companies have to comply with the new privacy regulation, regardless of size, as long as they receive and process information that can be linked to individuals. Be it customers, stakeholders, or own employees.
Om Nordicepod
NordicEPODs POD-er er designet spesielt for kravene til et tøffere nordisk klima med fokus på grønn produksjon og standardisering fremfor de skreddersydde løsningene som er vanlig på markedet i dag.
Alle NordicEPOD EPODer inneholder toppmoderne Power Monitoring Systems (PMS) produsert av datterselskaper.
Designet er basert på standardisering av hovedkomponentene. Ikke bare designet, men også den komplette monteringen vil bli verifisert i henhold til norske standarder og forskrifter i tillegg til å oppfylle kravene i alle relevante europeiske standarder. I design og produksjon er bærekraft og et grønt aspekt av EPODene integrert. Digitalisering av hvert trinn i produksjonsprosessen gir kundene et enkelt digitalt system å følge for full gjennomgang av deres produkt fra produksjonsstart til testing og balansering.
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